Formerly the land that Pardamat conservancy sits on was a group ranch Known as Koyiaki Dagrugurieti. In the early, 2000s land was subdivided into private parcels. Individuals acquired title deeds. In 2006 the first conservancy, which is Olare Motorogi was formed followed by Mara North in 2009 and Naboisho in 2010.
The aim was to expand wildlife habitat, protect endangered species and restore the area to wilderness status that had almost been lost. People were therefore moved out of the protected areas.
The area that is now Pardamat Conservancy was set aside for settlement. The families that were pushed out of the three conservancies made a home here. It was also well known for high numbers of elephants, especially in the hilly part.
In late 2015 it was thought that the area could be brought under conservation to save the elephants that were at high risk due to many cases of poaching and to open up migratory corridors and dispersal areas that had been closed by fences. Logging and charcoal burning was a big deal too in this area.
In 2016 Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies with the help of USAID, secured through the signing of lease agreements, land for conservation that is now the Pardamat Conservancy. PCA aims at integrating wildlife, people and livestock for sustainable living.