

Pardamat Conservation Area (PCA) is a mixed model conservancy aimed at promoting the coexistence of wildlife and humans and their livestock for mutual benefit. It was founded in the year 2015 to secure critical migratory corridors and dispersal areas while generating income for the landowners.

It is located to the North of Naboisho Conservancy and covers an area of 64,000 acres with a total of 850 landowners. The critical corridors that makeup PCA link other conservancies which include the Mara North and Olare Motorogi. These borders the Maasai Mara National Reserve thus eases the movement of wildlife into the conservancies and the game reserve.

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Pardamat was initially set aside as a settlement area bordering all conservancies. It is, however, the northern corridor and dispersal area for other conservancies serving as a migratory corridor, as well as the maternity ward for elephants.

Predator proof bomas have helped mitigate human wildlife conflict

In every ecosystem shared by wildlife, people and livestock, there must arise conflict. To mitigate this, Pardamat Conservancy sought funding to acquire predator-proof bomas.
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Elephant Poaching has gone down to zero

Pardamat Conservancy was contagious for elephant poaching. However, this is a gone case. In 2019 for example, only two elephants died within Pardamat Conservancy and both deaths were due to natural causes.
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Creation of job opportunities

The Maasai community is known for nomadic pastoralism. It as well did not embrace formal education at the go. Most youth, therefore, are semi-literate, hence with limited skills.
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Improvement in living standards

With the monthly lease fee, most families are better fed, better clothed and shelter has improved to corrugated iron sheets houses from the traditional Maasai all mud manyatta.
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It is a menace in the Mara ecosystem at large. The origin is needed for grass banks to fatten cows and as an alternative during the drought season. The value of wildlife and the benefits that accrue are to be weighed against those from livestock.
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Dependency on donor funding

Pardamat conservancy opened offices in January 2016. It has no tourist resorts to bring in income. Therefore, it depends solely on donor funding to run all its operations, which range from paying leases to salaries and vehicles maintenance.
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