
Fencing is a menace in the Maasai Mara ecosystem. Most so at PCA with settlement status. Many families have erected fences on their land parcels in a bid to secure grass for livestock in the dry season.

One of the key goals for establishing PCA was to open up critical migratory corridors which connect conservancies such as Naboisho and Olare Motorogi, or Naboisho and Olare Motorogi and Mara North and the Maasai Mara National Reserve.

Since inception, four years ago, we have managed to bring down 22 fences. Five in 2018, Nine in 2019 and Eight at the beginning of 2020. More are in the pipeline. In late August we launched the removal of fences exercise, aired in Kenyan media. We recognized this milestone and appreciated the local community for joining hands with us in the conservation effort. Continue reading “Defencing”
